

Healthy Food

With just under 7 weeks to go untill NDM25 you should be really getting into good shape and be ready to test your self out with reasonably long tempo runs where you can practice your marathon pace ….. howe ver I also know that a lot of you are maybe only ust getting round to build up having over enjoying the festive seasons in November and Decemeber.

So with you guys in mind here are a few simple tips that can get off those extra kg’s that you vowed not to gain …. at the same time you can be gradually building your mileage with a view to running a race paced 16km ( for 21km runners ) and 25/30km ( for full marathoners) in the next 3/4 weeks… do not neglect this important run as it should give you a feel of whether your going to be ready for the big day !

Some simple weight loss tips for runners who are carrying excess kg’s !

1.Drink a little more water …3 to 4 liters a day and more on a long run day …sipping it slowly
2.Reduce size of your plate !
3.Chew your food for longer
4.Cut out 1 bad habit ( snak wise)
5.Fruit as snax

Trust me …..try this for a month and let me know your results !

Cheers - Coach Ian Dexter Ladbrooke